
Friday, March 9, 2018

Pop Art

WALT Do self portraits using pop art

Last week we have been looking at Andy Warhol pop art.
Miss Scott our teacher took photo of us and photo copied
them then we had to put it on the window and get a little
piece of paper and go over it.  We were drawing four portraits
of yourself using different bright colours. First we had to go
over it with black pen on four of the drawings on one piece of
paper. I would like feedback please thank you.

Goal setting

W.A.L.T - set goals to help us learn
- identify steps we need to do to meet our goals

This week and last week we have been setting goals for our learning. We had to set a goal for reading, writing, maths and personal. When we set them we had to say what we had to do to meet our goals. Once we had finished we could 'bling it up'.  My mother is going to have a meeting with Miss Scott and I to talk about my goals.